India Webinars & Conference Schedule

Predictive Analytics -
Employing Analytic Techniques to Solve Business Problems

Webinar: 06:00 PM - 07:15 PM ( IST) | July 27, 2023

This webcast will explore the use of predictive models and how to employ selected analytic techniques to solve business problems. Big data and predictive models have revolutionized fields as diverse as self-driving cars and the search for new pharmaceutical cures. But these same ideas can be adapted and used to solve traditional problems of estimation and risk control in insurance. Actuaries can build better models and be on the cutting edge of the ‘insurtech’ revolution by becoming familiar with the ideas and models of data science as well as how to apply them properly. Mastering the tools and techniques of data science requires a broad understanding of mathematics, statistical ideas, and computer science. This discussion will introduce the fundamental ideas of machine learning and components of the models, explain how to develop expertise in this area as an actuary, and illustrate several important actuarial applications.

Registration Fees


INR 750 + GST


INR 18,000 + GST

(upto 50 attendees)


Mike Boot

Advisor SOA as Moderator

Mike Boot

Advisor SOA


R Jason Reed

Senior Director, Actuarial Services, Optum

R Jason Reed

Senior Director
Actuarial Services, Optum

Yashvant Jain

Senior Principal, Accenture India

Yashvant Jain

Senior Actuarial Principal Accenture, India

Priyanka Jain

Principal Data Scientist, Accenture India

Priyanka Jain

Principal Data Scientist
Accenture, India

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